Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is the Preferred Perks program?
    The Preferred Perks program is a helpful way to get more value from shopping at Blanton's IGA, such as getting discounts on products that YOU value more, creating shopping lists you can send to your phone, and to make faster, easier, and more secure purchases.
  • How does the Preferred Perks program work?
    When you register with Blanton's IGA, you are given a Preferred Perks phone, which recognizes you at the point of sale. You can redeem all your price discounts, take advantage of our low prices, and use any accumulated in-store credit.
  • How do I get a Preferred Perks phone?
    You can get started in two ways. First, you can register here, and take your enrollment number to any participating Blanton's IGA stores to pick up your Preferred Perks Phone. Second, you can pick up a Preferred Perks Phone from the cashier or customer service station at the store.
  • What if I lose my Preferred Perks phone?
    If you lose your Preferred Perks phone, call the Call Center at (360) 494-6101 and we will disable it. Then on your next visit, Blanton's IGA will re-issue a new phone that will be connected with your existing account.
  • What do I do if I forgot my Preferred Perks phone and want to make a purchase?
    When you visit the store, let the cashier know you are a Preferred Perks member and they will enter your phone number to assist you.
Sign Up

New to the program? Did you register at a program location? Either way, you can get started here. It just takes a few minutes.

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